Farmer Phone Support - Regen Farming
Open Discussions informally charged @ $30/hr in 30 minute blocks.
This seems to be what most people need of us - Farm Planning and Business decision mentoring. So this is us making it part of our business plan and time allocation. So pump us for information anytime, guilt free.
Open Discussions informally charged @ $30/hr in 30 minute blocks.
This seems to be what most people need of us - Farm Planning and Business decision mentoring. So this is us making it part of our business plan and time allocation. So pump us for information anytime, guilt free.

Site Visit with a Walk and Talk Consult
This is a 2 hour site visit, walk and talk. A verbal discussion about your design options for your site and each of the more obvious micro-climates. Generally comprising of owner and enterprise context discussion, site review and the "if I were you I would try x,y,z here" type advice.
This is charged at $100/hr for two hours (total cost $200) and includes travel to locations 30km from Pemberton. It is most suitable for urban blocks and peri-urban blocks (farms need more time). Often if we see eye to eye on the design vision and plan, clients will often ask to upgrade to a design/plan.
Prior to the meeting we will send you a Client Review to focus and broaden your thoughts, and we will review your site plan via your council's mapping system or an alternate program. The walk and talk discussion/advice would usually include: where to place different elements (shade trees, chook runs, ponds, windbreaks, paths, nurseries, composting etc) around the yard, how to make the most of your resources, and broad site planning (sun, water, nutrients). You will be responsible for taking notes and getting answers to your issues in that time, however we are happy for you to record the discussion for future personal reference.
This is a 2 hour site visit, walk and talk. A verbal discussion about your design options for your site and each of the more obvious micro-climates. Generally comprising of owner and enterprise context discussion, site review and the "if I were you I would try x,y,z here" type advice.
This is charged at $100/hr for two hours (total cost $200) and includes travel to locations 30km from Pemberton. It is most suitable for urban blocks and peri-urban blocks (farms need more time). Often if we see eye to eye on the design vision and plan, clients will often ask to upgrade to a design/plan.
Prior to the meeting we will send you a Client Review to focus and broaden your thoughts, and we will review your site plan via your council's mapping system or an alternate program. The walk and talk discussion/advice would usually include: where to place different elements (shade trees, chook runs, ponds, windbreaks, paths, nurseries, composting etc) around the yard, how to make the most of your resources, and broad site planning (sun, water, nutrients). You will be responsible for taking notes and getting answers to your issues in that time, however we are happy for you to record the discussion for future personal reference.

Homestead and Farm Design Consults
Please note (for all those seeking our design services):
We produce a farm plan using the Regrarians Platform® to meet the needs of the site and the client. Backyards, community gardens and other smaller spaces will be designed using the Permaculture Design Process. While anyone can use these methods you are paying for our experience to produce a more complex integrated design with systems/techniques that are known to work locally.
The plan is not a "perfectly-to-scale landscaping job" implementation plan. The purpose of the diagrams/plans are to layout and locate the systems, plantings, and zones. Our main aim to set out the backbones of the ecological and economical systems, only time, trials and lessons learnt will create the specific flesh on those bones.
Our preferred homestead and farm planning process is to layout the design and explanatory text in Google Earth Pro. You will need a laptop or desktop with a decent sized screen so we can work through the detailed, interactive, and 'living' update-able design. We can use drawing packages for detailed design spaces if needed.
The client will be responsible for implementing the design - either in full, or part - utilising aspects that they like and/or modifying the design as their vision or project evolves. Design evolution is an organic process. Things change and thus so must our systems and their 'plans'.
Us much as we enjoy design, the owner is the eyes, brains and shaper of the system over time, which is why we prefer to teach people how to do their own design (via a Permaculture Design Course (PDC)) and mentor you through your own designs over time, rather than producing 'our design' for you.
If you are from Perth and were hoping to have our assistance, please still get in touch and we can direct you to someone in your area who may be able to help.
Please note (for all those seeking our design services):
We produce a farm plan using the Regrarians Platform® to meet the needs of the site and the client. Backyards, community gardens and other smaller spaces will be designed using the Permaculture Design Process. While anyone can use these methods you are paying for our experience to produce a more complex integrated design with systems/techniques that are known to work locally.
The plan is not a "perfectly-to-scale landscaping job" implementation plan. The purpose of the diagrams/plans are to layout and locate the systems, plantings, and zones. Our main aim to set out the backbones of the ecological and economical systems, only time, trials and lessons learnt will create the specific flesh on those bones.
Our preferred homestead and farm planning process is to layout the design and explanatory text in Google Earth Pro. You will need a laptop or desktop with a decent sized screen so we can work through the detailed, interactive, and 'living' update-able design. We can use drawing packages for detailed design spaces if needed.
The client will be responsible for implementing the design - either in full, or part - utilising aspects that they like and/or modifying the design as their vision or project evolves. Design evolution is an organic process. Things change and thus so must our systems and their 'plans'.
Us much as we enjoy design, the owner is the eyes, brains and shaper of the system over time, which is why we prefer to teach people how to do their own design (via a Permaculture Design Course (PDC)) and mentor you through your own designs over time, rather than producing 'our design' for you.
If you are from Perth and were hoping to have our assistance, please still get in touch and we can direct you to someone in your area who may be able to help.
Urban or Homestead Design - Consult and Report
The $600 fee includes a two hour site visit. We will review and increase the details on the client interview sheet, walk and talk your vision and opportunities around the site. We spend less time talking and telling you what we would do, and more time documenting and thinking. You may only need to be available for 1 hour but while onsite we will map, photograph the site carefully so we don't need to come back, this might take an additional 1 hour. After the site visit we will produce a site map and design and recommend an element layout and proposals for your yard. We can meet your needs in some areas of focus, prioritizing tasks, etc if requested.
The report includes where to place different elements around the yard, guilded tree planting ideas and locations, nutrient cycling and food production systems, designed for your time and family limitations. Plus information on soil building, garden bed and garden structures construction, veggie growing, ponds/aquatic food, fruit and fruit trees. It is most suitable for urban blocks (any size), but can be applied to rural "kitchen gardens" also.
It will be at least 10 hours work for us at an average of $50/hr plus 2 hours on site at $100/hr (hence a total cost $600). Please note that all pricing includes travel costs to locations 30km from Pemberton. Beyond this distance travel (time and fuel costs) will be charged at $0.75 /km or we are more than happy to help you find a more local designer.
This report can take 1 month to produce depending on other ongoing work and family commitments, so please make sure we talk about delivery time-frame requirements.
Please see the 'Please note' at the top of the page and ensure you understand the nature of this design service, or give us a call (Charles - 0466 633 275) or email ([email protected]) to clarify.
The $600 fee includes a two hour site visit. We will review and increase the details on the client interview sheet, walk and talk your vision and opportunities around the site. We spend less time talking and telling you what we would do, and more time documenting and thinking. You may only need to be available for 1 hour but while onsite we will map, photograph the site carefully so we don't need to come back, this might take an additional 1 hour. After the site visit we will produce a site map and design and recommend an element layout and proposals for your yard. We can meet your needs in some areas of focus, prioritizing tasks, etc if requested.
The report includes where to place different elements around the yard, guilded tree planting ideas and locations, nutrient cycling and food production systems, designed for your time and family limitations. Plus information on soil building, garden bed and garden structures construction, veggie growing, ponds/aquatic food, fruit and fruit trees. It is most suitable for urban blocks (any size), but can be applied to rural "kitchen gardens" also.
It will be at least 10 hours work for us at an average of $50/hr plus 2 hours on site at $100/hr (hence a total cost $600). Please note that all pricing includes travel costs to locations 30km from Pemberton. Beyond this distance travel (time and fuel costs) will be charged at $0.75 /km or we are more than happy to help you find a more local designer.
This report can take 1 month to produce depending on other ongoing work and family commitments, so please make sure we talk about delivery time-frame requirements.
Please see the 'Please note' at the top of the page and ensure you understand the nature of this design service, or give us a call (Charles - 0466 633 275) or email ([email protected]) to clarify.
Farm Plans starting at $1200
(using Regrarians Platform® created in Google Earth Pro).
We produce a farm plan using the Regrarians Platform® to meet the needs of the site and the client with a layered mapping and explanatory text in Google Earth Pro. You will need a laptop or desktop with a decent sized screen so we can work through the detailed, interactive, and 'living' update-able design.
Our main aim to set out the backbones of the ecological and economical systems, only time, trials and lessons learnt will create the specific flesh on those bones. The more detail and fixed the design, the sooner it becomes redundant due to planned and unplanned change.
Prior to the meeting we will send you Client and Context questionnaire forms to focus and broaden your thoughts, and we will review your site plan. All this going well we will arrange a site meeting and mapping. If we are still both happy the Google Earth Pro plan will be drafted over the next few weeks depending on farm and family demands.
It will be at least 20+ hours designing work and 20+ hours R&D (things we dont know but need to find out) plus the 4 hours on site consult/visit, hence the total cost starting at $1200, but more realistically $2000 (if you want tree species specification, pricing, and quantity/orders).
Please also note that beyond a 30km radius of Pemberton, additional travel time/costs will be included by discussion assume travel (time and fuel costs) will be charged at $0.75 /km. Sorry, but we are trying to work locally and need to motivate that decision.
Regenerative Farming and Permaculture Open Consulting - Pricing
Our design, advice and services can be arranged on an as needs basis, by agreement. Please discuss your proposal with us via email ([email protected]) or by phone on 0466633275.
$100/hr Onsite Consultation rate. (Capped at $500 per day plus travel(time and fuel costs) will be charged at $0.75 /km))
$50/hr at home Design Production rate.
$25/hr Phone Support and project Research and Development rate.
(all pricing includes travel to locations within 30km of Pemberton. Beyond this distance travel time/costs will need to be discussed and included.)